Missing webhook on events related to NACamDoorTag
Hello! I have a NACamera with 9x NACamDoorTag and for some time now I have not received any webhooks via the API linked to the tags (tag_big_move, tag_small_move, ... ). It may have been this way since April.
The time controlled status query via API provides the required open/closed information, but of course only when a request is performed.
The immediate information via webhook does not work. The webhook reception works fine. I get the event type NACamera-person or others via webhook, but no more information about the tags. I log every communication attempt, there is really no webhook in reference to the tags. It is not due to the processing of the webhooks.
What could be the reason for this?
Kind regards
Hello Ralf,
It seems to work correctly on my side. Did you try to check if you have the doortags events in the native Home + Security app ?
If yes, you'll probably need first to check that your webhook URL is not banned (https://dev.netatmo.com/apps/ but if you receive other webhooks it's not probable)
Then, you should try to redo an /authorize request with correct scopes, and finally generate events with your doortag. It should fix the problem
Have a good day,
Leslie - Community Manager
Hello Leslie,
thanks for the tips and information. I’m one step further in my search for the problem.
The TAG_BIG_MOVE webhook via API depends on the settings in the Home + Security app.
And there seems to be a bug here. The webhook is only sent if the sensor settings are set to "record and notify". If this setting is only set to "notify", no webhook is sent. Maybe this is a bug?
BTW: With settings to „notify“, no entry appears in the Home + Security app newsfeed, but the sensor is correctly and immediately displayed as open/closed.
Before April of this year, the webhook TAG_BIG_MOVE have been sent even if the sensor was only configured to "notify". (Which in my opinion would be correct.)
FYI: My settings for "when nobody is at home" and "when known people are at home" are identical on "notify" but shouldn't matter here.
Kind regards
Hi Ralf,
Indeed I reproduced the same behavior on my side. But good news : the bug is known and will be fixed in the next firmware release of the indoor camera
Have a good day,
Leslie - Community Manager
Hi Leslie,
My camera has received the firmware update and the webhooks are working as expected again. Many thanks for your support.
Kind regards
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