Getting error 26 "User Usage exceeded " for a few hours now
My apps are getting suddenly the error 26 "user usage exceeded". I have tried to access Netatmo api for 3 hours, and at the beginning of the first hour I get the error 26 for the first getStationsData call, or I can make only some 20-30 api calls before being cut off.
I make about 145 api calls to getmeasure each hour, which has earlier been in the api usage limits. Is there something going on today with the api.? Have the rate limits been changed recently?
I am currently facing the same problem. Is your problem still existing or has it been solved?
It's clearly a quota limit reached error, but except for your 2 messages I didn't have any other similar feedback. On our side, we didn't change the limits (for a reminder :
I invite you to double check in your code if you don't have something, for example, sending a request in a loop leading you to reach the limits
Have a good day,
Leslie - Community Manager
I struggled with this as well. Kept getting this error even though we had not made requests for more than a week. During this time we reduced it to two requests (get access token, get stations) that we ran manually, and still got this error.
I was finally able to get it working by having the user
1) Remove the application completely from
2) Create a new connection / token
Previously I had tested obtaining a new token, replacing the old one. This did not work.
When removing the application I noticed there were multiple copies of it in the My Account view. Removing the first one removed all of them, so there may be a bug there.
Hi Arne,
Thanks for this feedback, indeed it's a strange error and seems to be on our backend side (never seen it before thing being said)
I warned the teams in order them to check this
Have a good day,
Leslie - Community Manager
Dear Leslie,
Are there any news about this error? From time to time I get the error "User usage reached" but I cannot find the pattern. I make sure my API calls are way under the requests limit per user that is given in the guidelines (500), but still I get this error sometimes...
Thanks in advance! Have a nice day.
No, the teams don't see how it could happen with a low amount of calls respecting the rate limits
As Arne said, did you try to revoke the access to the app in , and redo a new /authorize request ?
Have a good day,
Leslie - Community Manager
Dear Leslie,
Thank you for your answer. Yes, I did as Arne suggested and it worked just fine for the last ~20 hours or so. Then, the connection got interrupted. Now, after renewing the credentials again, I got the error "user usage reached" after just 49 minutes...
I don't understand how is it possible to work just fine during 20 hours, and then get this error. Aren't the user limits the following (from
50 requests every 10 seconds
500 requests every hour
All the best,
I am facing the same issue where after a few minutes, I get the error 'User usage reached'. It starts working again if I manually renew the access and refresh token from the app into my script. However, if I try to do it from my script itself where it fetches a new access and refresh token, it still shows the same error of User Usage Reached and Usage Limit Reached. Could it be the netatmo server blocking the downloads?
Hello dex.rohan99,
The tokens generated via the Token generator tool in your app's details provide a token with higher access rights and call quota. That's why you're only impacted with a 3rd party access_token
I don't see any other situation where a 429 error code is sent, unless when the quota is reached. If something was blocked on our side, I think we would send a 400 error (maybe "timeout" or an other sub-code, or maybe a "fake" 500 server error if it's not well interpreted by the server)
Have a good day,
Leslie - Community Manager
I also have the same problem. My PHP script has not changed but since four days the connections to your API have been modified. I note that every hour I can query my netatmo equipment for the first half hour approximately. Then the quota seems to be exceeded. By reading the previous messages, I created another application on my account and deactivated the previous one, I generated the tokens and everything seems to work again as before. For several hours I have not had any errors. I will check if everything is going correctly in the hours and days to come. I do not understand that an application created for more than four years that worked perfectly has degraded for four days. There are now several of us who have detected an access malfunction.
@cadkey, could you please write me via the contact form and send me the client_id of the failing app ? I'll ask the developers to investigate
Have a good day,
Leslie - Community Manager
Thank you for your help.
I disabled this app since it no longer works properly. should I reactivate it?
Thanks, I got your message ! If it's OK for you it would be better if you can reactivate it
Have a good day,
Leslie - Community Manager
All right. It's done
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