API rain data doesn't match weathermap (and the latter is the right one)


It seems rain data from API is not right in many cases. For example, today API data from "Solsona - Carrer de Sant Pau" gives you a 24 h value of 42.016, while as you can see from screen capture on the website there is a 10.5 value. Other stations from Solsona have the same problem today.

As you can see it seems API gives you about 4 times the rain of weathermap. It seems there is always a proportion, sometimes it is two times, sometimes it is even seven, but the problem seems to be counting different times the same data. Not sure if the proportion is always the same for the same stations.

Anyone noticed that?

      "_id": "70:ee:50:2f:21:8a",
      "place": {
        "location": [1.51757289835626, 41.9957899787999],
        "timezone": "Europe/Madrid",
        "country": "ES",
        "altitude": 680,
        "city": "Solsona",
        "street": "Carrer de Sant Pau"
      "mark": 10,
      "measures": {
        "02:00:00:2f:39:90": {
          "res": {
            "1719659129": [21.1, 70]
          "type": [
        "70:ee:50:2f:21:8a": {
          "res": {
            "1719659167": [1020]
          "type": [
        "05:00:00:04:a7:f2": {
          "rain_60min": 0,
          "rain_24h": 42.016,
          "rain_live": 0,
          "rain_timeutc": 1719659155



  • Comment author

    I understand the forum is read for someone in Netatmo. Is there any other way to report an error? Thank you. 

  • Comment author
    Leslie Community moderator


    I created an internal ticket for investigation and to get more information. As far as I know about the weathermap, there are algorithms able to perform some modifications according to data retrieved by Weather Stations around (it's a trust score, for example if you have abnormal data compared to other stations it can remove the data or make some adjustments) 

    As the JSON response from the API sends raw data, I would trust it more

    Have a good day,

    Leslie - Community Manager

  • Comment author

    Ok, thank you for your answer, Leslie. That makes sense. Comparing data to radar images and stations from other nets, I'm pretty sure that weathermap data made clearly more sense in that case. Please let me know if you get more information about this.

  • Comment author

    Any update about that ticket? Thank you.

  • Comment author

    Hi, the problem seems to persist. Today, for example, the API shows 75.1 mm of daily rain in the station located in Belver de Cinca while on the website, an amount about three times larger than what you can find on the website: 25.6 mm. You said a ticket had been opened, I don't know if there's any information about which is the problem. 

          "_id": "70:ee:50:83:b0:a6",
          "place": {
            "location": [0.1904309, 41.742226],
            "timezone": "Europe/Madrid",
            "country": "ES",
            "altitude": 286,
            "city": "Belver de Cinca",
            "street": "Carretera Alta"
          "mark": 10,
          "measures": {
            "02:00:00:83:d5:72": {
              "res": {
                "1725371379": [25.1, 84]
              "type": [
            "70:ee:50:83:b0:a6": {
              "res": {
                "1725371398": [1017.5]
              "type": [
            "05:00:00:08:46:fe": {
              "rain_60min": 0,
              "rain_24h": 75.144,
              "rain_live": 0,
              "rain_timeutc": 1725371392
  • Comment author
    Leslie Community moderator


    I just had a feedback from the teams : 

    • Via API (getmeasure) : we use the timezone of the computer of the user 
    • Via the Weathermap (getpublicmeasure) : it's the timezone of the device

    This value is the sum of the latest 24 hours values. So, for example, if you look at the Weathermap you will get current data, but if you call the API you must take into account the potential hour time difference

    Have a good day,

    Leslie - Community Manager

  • Comment author

    Thank you for your answer, Leslie, but I don't think this is the problem. As I mentioned, on this kind of situations the total amount of rain that you can get from API seems to be double, triple, five times, six times, etc... the one you get from the website. Look at the example I'm giving you of Friday, September, 6th, for the station with code 70:ee:50:1c:49:8a, Riudoms - Carrer de la Pluja. The last column is daily total amount of rain ("rain_24h") and the column just on its left is the difference between a call to the API and the next one. As you can see, 20.8 mm seem to be added different times, which is really odd, and doesn't seem to be a coincidence. After checking other stations around, those 20.8 mm already seem to be wrong on the first place. I was not able to check the daily amount on the website for that day, but I'm pretty sure I would have found 27.5 mm, not 131.5 mm. It seems to be a pattern, not a misfunction of that specific pluviometer or station.

    Thank you!

  • Comment author
    • Edited

    Hi, Leslie, any news about that issue? It keeps happening. I might add that it seems to happen when it pours, but maybe it's because it's when I'm able to clearly see it, not sure.

    Thank you.


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