Webhook Not Receiving Light On/Off Events from MyHome Server 1


Hello everyone,

I have a MyHome Server 1 that I’ve configured correctly, and it’s working seamlessly with the Control app.

I’ve developed APIs to read and write, and I’m able to send commands and receive the status of lights and thermostats without any issues.

I’ve activated a webhook and registered it successfully, as evidenced by the following event I receive:

INFO:__main__:Webhook received: {'user_id': '**********', 'user': {'id': '**********', 'email': '**********@gmail.com'}, 'push_type': 'webhook_activation'}
INFO:__main__:Received PushType ********** with status webhook_activation

However, when I turn lights on and off, these events do not reach the webhook. I’m not receiving any notifications corresponding to the light state changes.

Has anyone experienced this issue or have any insights into why the webhook isn’t receiving these specific events? Is there an additional configuration step required to enable light on/off events to be sent via webhook?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you




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  • Comment author

    Please UP !


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