Cannot pass the second part of authentication flow
as already mentioned in the Title, I cannot pass the second Authentication Method from the Netatmo.
I could make a Script that passes the first Verification of the Authentication Flow (The one where you send to
client_id=<my app client id>
&redirect_uri=[my redirect uri]
&scope=[only the read_thermostat for now]
&state=[app1_a temporare 6 digit code]
{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Invalid grant_type parameter or parameter missing"}
After this stage I could receive the "code" field.
I tried to also pass the second Phase of the Authentication but I always got the Error: ""
My request for the upper POST was:
"<my client id>&client_secret=<my client secret>&code=<code from prev step>&redirect_uri=<same one used as pre step>&scope=read_thermostat"
Still I always received the upper mentioned error and I dont know what else should I try.
Please help,
Thank you.
1 comment
The information must be set in the Body of the request and not as URL parameters. If you fix this it should correctly work
Have a good day,
Leslie - Community Manager
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