HomeAssistant - Webhook - EventURL not working
I use homeassistant and automation to send notifications about movements to my mobile.
I set it up about 10 days ago and it worked for a few days without any problems. Since december 10th I always get a wrong snapshot-url to the event via webhook.
The working URLS have started with :
Since december 10th the URLs start as follows:
Has something been changed? Does anyone have the same problem?
According to my log file in homeassistant, the webhook sends these URLs.
Hi Andy,
There were a problem on our side, we just pushed a fix for it. Can you please try again and come back to me if you still face issues ?
Have a good day,
Leslie - Community Manager
Hi Leslie
It's still the same. The Webhook/Push-Messages still contain an invalid URL.
The prodvpn-eu-6-URL's to the snapshot-pictures are not working and will return a 404-Error.
Let me know.. if i can assist with anything.
Hi Andy,
Some users seems to say that you could try to remove your webhook URL in the Netatmo app's parameters > Save > re-set the link > Save
The correct event received will be "incoming_call"
Have a good day,
Leslie - Community Manager
Dear Leslie
I don't know if we are talking about the same thing. So I'll try to explain it again.
The HomeAssistant integration registers the webhook URL itself. Therefore, there is no webhook URL stored in the app at Netatmo.
The webhook push, which is triggered by the camera, contains the following data (I have replaced some data with XXX due to privacy):
"message":"Person erfasst XXX",
The snapshot/vignette URL returned by the webhook is invalid and returns a 404 error.
Before December 10th (when it still worked) the URL was different:
The snapshot/vignette URL returned by the webhook is invalid and returns a 404 error now.
Before December 10th (when it still worked) the URL was different:
(and not https://prodvpn-eu-12.netatmo.net/restricted/10.255.214.XXX8814.jpg)
Let me know if I can/should try something or if you need more information.
Kind Regards
Also if you look at the example webhooks (https://dev.netatmo.com/apidocumentation/security)
the snapshot URL should be something like "https://netatmocameraimage.blob.core.windows.net/production/5xxxxxx625" and not "https://prodvpn-eu-12.netatmo.net/restricted".
i had the same Problem. Is there a fix for it now?
Thank you,
hello Thomas
unfortunately, I don't have a solution.
I am currently taking a snapshot myself, but since the push from the webhook is delayed by a few seconds, the time of the snapshot is unfortunately not so useful.
Why is Netatmo changing something and doesn't test it enough?
And when users complain about a problem why there is so many time between the complain and the reply?
Is there a solution or fix for the problem? The users need the devices because this are security devices!!!
Hello @a.jud !
I do the same but because of the event delay it is not useful.
I tried to use the API (https://dev.netatmo.com/apidocumentation/security#getevents) and were able to get useful urls with correct files. But it works for only 3 hours (10800 Access_Token live) and then a new Access_Token is needed with use of Refresh_Token - but i get errors when i use "Authorization code" grant type and were not able to get a now Access_Token...
I was using NodeRed and tried some oAuth2 nodes... ...no success...
Interesting: One of my cameras (5 in use) is getting still correct and working urls?!
that's very interesting. is it possibly due to the new firmware that came out in November? Are all 5 Kammeras on the same firmware version?
I “unfortunately” only have one camera to test.
Happy new Year
Wish you also an happy new year.
I checked this already - all cameras on firmware 3.22.0...
Hello all and happy new year,
A fix will be pushed in Production this week - if everything is OK - and should fix the "snapshots behind the VPN in webhooks" problem
Once done as usual I'll test on my side and I'll ask for your feedback about it
Have a good day,
Leslie - Community Manager
Dear Leslie
It‘s working again here since this mornig.
Hi Andy,
Thanks a lot for the feedback. I've just tested on my side and it seems OK for me too
Have a good day,
Leslie - Community Manager
it worked and then stopped working yesterday - now webhooks are broken again. Please fix it!
Hello Thomas,
I don't see any problems on my side and didn't get any similar feedback from users. Did you check in your app's details if your webhook is not banned ? https://dev.netatmo.com/apps/
Have a good day,
Leslie - Community Manager
For me it's still working .. no problems so far with the URL.
I still don't get the correct snapshot-url from the webhook and I don't think I noticed it working lately. Also the webhook is not banned from my app's details.
The url I get is of the format if that is relevant
Hello @babist1st,
Did you try to re-add your webhook ?
/dropwebhook then /addwebhook if you do it manually (https://dev.netatmo.com/apidocumentation/security#dropwebhook)
Or if you set it in the app's details : remove the webhook uri > Save button > re-set de webhook uri
I confirm you're not supposed to receive anymore the prodvpn URLs but the blob storage ones
Have a good day,
Leslie - Community Manager
I use homeassistant as well. I've tried https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/netatmo#un-register-webhooks setting up netatmo again, restarting homeassistant and even resetting client id and secret and setting up everything again. I still get the prodvpn urls.
Did you try to remove/redo the authorization access to HA ? https://home.netatmo.com/ > Parameters > My account > Third-party apps > HA > Revoke access
Then, redo in HA the link between their service and your Netatmo installation. It will launch a new "clean" authorization process, maybe it could be the cause of the problem
Have a good day,
Leslie - Community Manager
I cleared the third-party apps (also removed some older alexa/google), reset the client id/secret, redid the authorization and I still get the same urls
What a garbage.
On my side since today morning it is working correctly again. I have done nothing.
I think a complete rework is needed.
Hey everyone,
I've the same problem with my doorbell. I tried everything suggested. I even tried to create a new app but nothing helps.
What is a little bit confusing is that the App always registers twice:
Hoping for a soon fix.
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