Welcome to the Netatmo forum! Épinglée

Giada Community manager
  • Modifié

This forum is for you to share tips and tricks about your Netatmo products. To make sure this forum stays a friendly and welcoming space for everyone, we would like to remind you of a few guidelines.

Behaviour: Each member is expected to behave in a respectful and courteous manner towards all users and the Netatmo team. Any comment that does not meet this standard may be deleted (without notice), and its author may be penalised based on the seriousness of the comments made. Penalties include a permanent ban from our online support platforms (Help Center and Forum).

Languages: Messages on this forum must be written in French in the French section, and in English in the English section. Any post made in the incorrect area will be moved, and any post made in a different language other than that of the section in which it appears will be deleted.

Privacy: It is strictly prohibited to post any personal information, such as phone numbers and email addresses.

Duplicate messages: Before posting a question, please check that it has not already been asked. It is recommended that you reply to an existing thread as opposed to opening a new one. Topics that have already been covered may be deleted to maintain the order and coherence of the forum. Spam: Spreading inappropriate messages or links (spam, business pages, etc.) will result in a permanent ban.

Support: The Netatmo moderators are not obliged to reply to all messages. For personalized help, please click ‘Send a Request’ at the bottom of each Help Center article.

More information: 

General conditions of use of the Netatmo Forum 
Netatmo Forum Privacy Policy 



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