Relay not connecting to the thermostat
My wired boiler relay does not connect with the battery smart thermostat correctly! Even when they are next to each other. The system has worked well for over 2 years.
The problems I am experiencing are:
> the thermostat reads the room temperature correctly but is fixed on 19 degrees as the desired temperature.
> the manually 'boost temperature' on the thermostat DOES work
> both the web app and phone app do not see the thermostat but accept and remember schedule changes.
So far I have:
> Changed the batteries on the thermostat
> Un-plugged and re plugged the relay
> Reset the wifi with the thermostat and relay next to each other and apart
> Reset the wifi with the thermostat and relay next to each other and apart
> I tried putting it on the 'routers' wifi network but it would not connect. So it is on the wifi TP-Link extender wifi network.
I have exhausted the Netamo help files and I'm at my 'cold' witts end, can anyone help!
3 commentaires
It sounds like the thermostat is faulty. My problem was that the relay did not open when the desired temperature was reached. I carried out all the same tests as you did without resolving the problem.
After weeks of correspondence with Netatmo it was finally repaired at my expense.
I was happy with that.
Many thanks, I'm awaiting a response from Netamo, hopefully it won't take weeks.
Hi, my relay does not connect to the thermostat since returned from display service
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