Thermostat Modular with Viessmann Vitodens 0-50W


I need a support because my Relay was constantly blinking with green lights. After launching Thermostat it tried to connect to Relay and after few moments it could but when I wanted add my Relay to Home + Control App it lost connectivity and stopped working. The LED display isn't working although the button below the relay works, and I hear clipping but no LED. I don't know did it stoped working suddenly? Does that Thermostat works with Vitodens 0-50W B0KA-25 ? I saw in your page it does that why I purchased thet modular thermostat but it seems something isn't working. And how to take off the power cable from relay when I want to configure it using my laptop? After I stuck it I'm not able to took it off. Seriously?! I need real support here. 

After managing somehow to connect that relay with Thermostat to Home + Control app I notice that my Viessmann Vitodens 050-W B0KA-25 has issue icon on the panel. After checking the code it says: 95 which mean lack of the OpenTherm communication. Please need an assistance with it. It's urgent.



16 commentaires

  • Comment author
    GEORGzer Community moderator

    Maybe this video will help you.

  • Comment author

    Did that also and I used multimeter to check voltage. Appeared that I have OT on the right of those white box not on the left like im the Allen movie. But doesn't matter still 95 exists. Waiting for Netatmo response as the relay is probably damaged. No Voltage on the powered relay when checking those to wires (black/grey)

  • Comment author
    GEORGzer Community moderator

    Black/Grey never carry any current. Those two only get bridged together internally when the Relais switches on (analog installment). And they are also for data communication (OpenTherm).

  • Comment author
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    Doesn't matter. The problem is that there is lack of communication (code 95) with remote OpenTherm controller which is the Netatmo Relay. So I'm waiting for support or anyone to take care of it as I bought this solution and can't use it obviously. So I don't want to have any discussion about the problem, I described it and I want to have it resolved as I already put $ for it. 

  • Comment author
    GEORGzer Community moderator

    I hope they get back to you soon 👍

  • Comment author

    Unfortunately they don't rush about it. I appriciate your help but I made all steps that are required and code speaks for itself. Relay has to be damaged. 

  • Comment author

    btw @GEORGzer how to check tickets? Because I cannot find any reference to tickets I created to support. Still no one answered

  • Comment author
    GEORGzer Community moderator

    I don’t think there is a way.
    They will be on holiday break I suppose, but should be back soon.

  • Comment author

    And have you any idea when anyone will be back it looks like no one answering over a weak

  • Comment author
    GEORGzer Community moderator

    I‘d guess starting Jan. 6th, Paris Timezone. But I have no official information on that, sorry.

  • Comment author

    It's starting to be annoying. No one replied even today




    This the official mail with ticket number. 6 Days ago I also created a ticket in different category and on person replied

    Advised me to make request instead of contacting Customer Service, But from CS someone replied. No they literally don't give a shit.. 

    And I'm writing to them and nothing

  • Comment author

    Exactly same issue here after replacing my old boiler.

    Netatmo was working fine on the old one and in Vitodens I am getting 95 error code.

  • Comment author
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    The Support informed to make a test to check what is the reason and where is the issue here

    If it doesn't work, I suggest that you do a very simple test:
    - Turn the power off
    - Place a link (small electrical wire) on ports for dry contact thermostat, instead of the control wires of the Thermostat
    - Turn the power on: the boiler must start heating instantly. It may be necessary to change the settings on your boiler (increase the temperature of hot water and/or activate room thermostat port)
    - Turn the power off, remove the link
    - Turn the power on: the boiler must remain in standby mode, without heating. The domestic hot water must remain available, and the boiler must not display any error message.
    If this test is successful, then try again with the Thermostat, making sure the connections are well done. You can remove the crimps of the wires if necessary. Please also check if the Relay is well plugged in its boiler adaptor (push it firmly).
    If it still does not work, the Thermostat can be considered as defective. Please enclose the copy of your invoice in your answer or contact directly your reseller.
    Otherwise, I suggest that you ask your usual heating engineer to check your boiler.

  • Comment author
    • Modifié

    Thanks for the update. Tomorrow boiler engineer will check.

    In the meanwhile I have found the probable root cause: My netatmo thermostat is the old model which is not able to modulate the temperature.

    The question I have now is what are the port for dry contact to put the link to test.

  • Comment author

    Check that with multimeter.

    Mine OT, I'm pretty sure, is on the right here and the technical picture from manual if you look carefully shows the same although on YouTube there is a clip from Alex who had connectivity on those from left side. It's very possible to mix those things during the boiler assembly So I wasn't surprised. I also checked those pins with multimeter and those on right which you see on the picture indicate 23,4V and those on left 0.3V so for me it was pretty clear.

    BUT the support just wrote me back and said:


    Thank you for your feedback.
    After checking, the test is not necessary. Looking back at your initial photo more closely, the two control wires do not seem to be connected to the correct port (OTS). I simply advise you to move the two control wires to the OT port, just to the left.
    Please keep me informed of the outcome

    So I informed them about the Voltage and I doubt that this is the case here besides I made all possible variations of connecting wires to those pins earlier and none of them worked. 


  • Comment author

    those tests are useless.. and support responds after few days. Seriously I think that Netatmo isn't capable of helping or didn't even tested their Modular Thermostats Relay's with new Vitodens condensing boilers. I'm so frustrated with such useless support. There is no phone number, no call center to call, nothing. 


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