Camera is disconnecting and conneting


I bought a new camera in july 2024. I had a few years old camera but it broke down.

The camera started to periodically disconnect from the network and after 20-50 minutes reconnect to the network. I changed the network, I changed the position of the camera where there is for sure a good wifi signal, I changed the SD card, but nothing helped.See attached code of the camera.



5 commentaires

  • Comment author

    I have the same problem for couple of weeks.

    And it's not the first time. I have Netatmo Welcome for four years, and this problem comes back regularly. Netatmo changes something in the firmware, it's ok for couple of months, and it's disconnecting again.

    I would change this camera for something more stable, but unfortunetaly noone makes such a good looking indoor Homekit camera :\

  • Comment author

    Same here. Rebooted the camera on Friday, on Tuesday after, the camera disconnected out of nothing. The camera is 700 km away, so no security anymore. And this happens constantly... :-(

    Firmware 5.24, Homekit secure router enabled.

  • Comment author

    Same with me. First only indoor camera, now one of my three outdoor cameras. 
    Very annoying!

  • Comment author

    I have the same problem. The camera keeps losing the connection. It's getting really annoying. I've always been happy with Netatmo but the new camera I've had for a year can only be thrown in the bin and no one at Netatmo responds to queries. 

    I hope you finally get some answers here!

  • Comment author

    Luckily, my indoor camera stops disconnecting and now it's fine again.

    I hope it will be fine forever, but who knows.


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