App iOS bug Raccourcis Sirène


In iOS shortcut App there is a bug for alarm API





  • Comment author

    Bonjour l’assistance,

    J’ai exactement le même soucis lorsque que je souhiate soit créer des automatisations soit tout simplement des raccourcis.
    Comment faire ?

    Merci par avance

  • Comment author
    Leslie Community moderator

    Hello Baptiste,

    Can you send me the following information : 

    • what are the devices involved ?
    • what is the automation you are trying to set ?
    • what is your iOS version ?
    • what is your Home + Security version ?

    I'll then be able to ask a developer about it

    Have a good day,

    Leslie - Community Manager

  • Comment author

    Depuis la derniere mis a jour de lapplication "security" sur
    mon iphone,il m'est impossible de lancer l'application...

  • Comment author
    Leslie Community moderator

    Hello @sgaglad93,

    This forum is aimed at developers using our APIs and third-party integrations 

    If you face problems using our native applications, you must contact directly the Legrand/Bticino customer support of your country

    Have a good day,

    Leslie - Community Manager

  • Comment author


    J'ai exactement le même problème. 

    Process de création du raccourci : 

    Dans l'application Raccourci d'Apple, lorsque l'on créé un raccourci : "+" en haut à droite > ajouter une action > "security" dans "recherche app" l'action "contrôler l'alarme de maison" est disponible.

    Une fois sélectionné, la variable demandé est "maison" (le nom de mon domicile dans Apple Homekit).

    Process terminé.


    Lorsqu'on lance le raccourci on a en effet le message : "L'opération n'a pas pu s'achever. (Netflux.NetfluxError erreur 2.)


    Il me serait extrêmement utile de la rendre utilisable ainsi qu'à tous vos clients.


    Voici les informations device&software : 

    - Apple 12 Pro

    - IOS 17.6.1

    - Home + Security 6.2.0 (1046)

  • Comment author
    Leslie Community moderator


    There is already an opened internal ticket concerning Netflux errors

    According to the teams, the iOS17 version is unstable regarding this feature but it should be fixed with iOS18

    I advise you to re-do the test once updated to the v.18 and come back to me if you still face problems

    Have a good day,

    Leslie - Community Manager

  • Comment author
    Giada Community manager


    The [EN] API, Automation, and External Services section is exclusively in English. 🙂

    Please ensure that your comments are written in English; otherwise, they will be deleted.

    Welcome to the Netatmo forum! > Messages on this forum must be written in French in the French section, and in English in the English section. Any post made in the incorrect area will be moved, and any post made in a different language other than that of the section in which it appears will be deleted.

    We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

    Have a nice day.

  • Comment author


    J’ai IOS18 et il m’indique le même code erreur.. ce n’est pas la version Apple qui pose problème je pense

  • Comment author
    Leslie Community moderator


    There was also an update to do on our side. This problem should be fixed in a future release of the Home + Security app (v.6.3.0)

    Have a good day,

    Leslie - Community Manager


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