Smart Outdoor Camera v3.20.0 En avant

Christophe Community moderator

Dear customers,

We are starting today the roll-out of the release v3.20.0 on your Smart Outdoor Camera.

Here is the changelog from the previous v3.18.0:

  • Fix detection event unbuffering failing in some particular conditions after a loss of connectivity.


Kind regards,



35 commentaires

  • Comment author
    Christophe Community moderator
    • Commentaire officiel

    Anything I can do for accelerating the roll-out to my camera?

    The roll-out process will gradually make the firmware available on more and more cameras during the upcoming two weeks. You cannot accelerate the switch on your side.

  • Comment author

    Anything I can do for accelerating the roll-out to my camera?

  • Comment author
    Mr Big

    You should fix the cameras not detecting events, mostly people since the previous update when you rendered my 2 outdoor presence camera useless. At night I can dance I front of it and nothing is recorded not detected even though the floodlight turns on. Maybe time to trash them and move to eve, or something else because everything must be better than this

  • Comment author
    Mr Big

    Is this 1 thing the only change?
    -Fix detection event unbuffering failing in some particular conditions after a loss of connectivity

  • Comment author

    Since 3.20 no activities are recorded anymore, the system is absoluteley useless this way! Please fix this immediteley! Or what can I do to fix it? Can I go back to older firmware? Sorry, but this is a disaster!

  • Comment author

    We have been realizing a delay of alerts since some weeks. Is there a way to speed this up again. An alert 3-5 minutes after the evnet is not sufficient.



  • Comment author

    I have the same issue with disconnection many times per hour. It has been I stalled by a professional few weeks ago.
    What should I do to get it fixed ? Unless I want to be reimburse

  • Comment author

    I am getting the error code 08.1.41 and the camera is not accessible since ~2 weeks.
    Does anybody has the same error?

  • Comment author

    I was able to sell my camera with 3.18

  • Comment author

    My old Netatmo Presence has worked well. But last 2 days it is not showing the snapshots on the timeline.
    Click on a grey snapshot and get black image, click play and get the video that was recorded.

    Annoying or what, as I have to click on all timeline events to see what was recorded.
    Recently, i had two messages of Video not recording and clicked on the orange msg, cant remember what it said. But worked after doing so. No rebooting, switching off power to camera or router.

    Any help appreciated.
    Where the heck is Submit a question after each article???
    It would be nice to be able to submit a problem to Netatmo support directly but what do I know. Unless this is it.

  • Comment author

    One of my 7 cameras has never worked properly & is only 9 months old how do i get a ticket as im getting no response on facebook chat. i need a replacement or a refund . this is just non existent customer service .


  • Comment author

    The outdoor camera shows the videos rotated by 180 degrees

  • Comment author

    my outdoor cameras can not be reached by my app... they are not connected and i can not activate the cams or the light.
    but they still working an i get messages if they detectet persons or cars...

  • Comment author

    what can i do?

  • Comment author

    The same with my camera
    Small tile photos are shown, the video reports problems with the network.

  • Comment author


    my camera is also no longer accessible with the same error message as described several times above. 

    Error message: 
    ‘Video is not available. The camera is not connected’

    Camera is visible in the router and correctly connected in my home network!

    What is no longer working here? The camera is completely useless without the connection.
    Can you please help me? Thank you very much!

  • Comment author

    I have the exact same problem with all my cameras, it is connected to the router and HomeKit but in the security app it says it’s not connected and I get notifications a couple of times per day that the cameras are disconnected and back. This is not good at all, what are you doing Netatmo??

  • Comment author

    Hi Team
    Since Thursday afternoon the secure app complain no connection to the outdoor cameras!
    Within HomeKit all outdoor cameras are accessible with livestream but with only. No access to historical data!!!!!
    I done everything you suppose to do in this situation.
    No success!!
    Please check your servers and connectivity to the security app clients! No connection no uploads possible!
    Thank you

  • Comment author

    Netatmo Presence Cameras are not connected until yesterday! Reconnection and resetting did not restore the connection. Both cameras are well intergrated in Wifi and do have internet access. 

    Obviously a Netatmo Server problem as shown by the other comments. Unfortunately the problem is not recognised by Netatmo.

    Communication ist poor.

    Please solve the problem soon.

  • Comment author

    No connection to Netatmo outdoor camera since Friday...It's not even a month since I purchased this product and it's just frustrating. I spent a lot of time troubleshooting but no luck. Please upper your game with your infostacture and don't waist our time...

  • Comment author

    Buongiorno,mia moglie ha già scritto una mail al centro assistenza avete aperto anche un ticket 3202820 ma senza nessuna risposta,da venerdì ho problemi con le mie 6 telecamere(1 interna e 5 esterne)mi arrivano le notifiche ma poi quando vado sull’app non riesco a vedere le registrazioni e neanche il live mi da telecamere scollegate,ieri sera si sono collegate tutte pensavo si fosse risolto il problema invece oggi pomeriggio si sono riscollegate(per il momento solo 3)so che in mattinata avete risposto ad altri utenti con il mio stesso problema dicendo che si è risolto tutto ma io continuo ad avere telecamere scollegate ormai da ore,sapete dirmi qualcosa di più?
    In attesa di una vostra gentile risposta vi ringrazio anticipatamente

  • Comment author

    Hallo Netatmo Kundenservice,
    da leider bis jetzt seitens Netatmo noch keinerlei Rückinformation zu meiner Reklamation gekommen ist, werde ich die Kamera zur Reparatur zurückschicken. Zukünftig werde ich Produkte von Netatmo meiden. Ein Kundenservice ist leider nicht vorhanden ...

  • Comment author

    I also had troubles accessing Videos from the camera. Live-Stream with Apple Home worked.

    Found this, where the service incidents are listed:

    The last one was:

    Service Incident - 21/09/24


    We apologize, some of our services were temporarily unavailable.

    Period: 09/21/2024 12:00pm - 09/23/2024 05:30pm


  • Comment author

    I still have the issue that recording with Apple HomeKit did not work.
    Livestream is working.
    Do others have still the same problem?

  • Comment author

    Yes, I have the same problem with Netatmo Presence and Eufy camera. The 2 Aqara cameras works fine.

  • Comment author

    Is Netatmo still working on the issue?
    Is it possible to open an incident oder something like this?

  • Comment author

    hi, sorry for my late answer... a few days after the problems, my cameras work already fine

  • Comment author

    i have an anorher mobile with android (my first is an apple) the android shows me there is an update working.... for 3 days... after that, the cameras are working as before...
    now its already fine...

  • Comment author

    but, i think the better use is android, on apple there are some mistakes... please work on it @ netatmo team

  • Comment author


    I see many people having problems with the presence outdour camera.

    My app says 'no video available' and the camera does not seem to read the QR code from my phone.

    According to the app the SD card needs to be replaced. I did this but nothing changed...

    Did anyone get any help from Netatmo??


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