Problems with screen rotation and battery life.


I cannot believe what netatmo is doing. They are closing the way we can answer to the posts. I’ve tried to get help from your technical support multiple times, and it’s impossible; you’ve simply abandoned your users. And on top of that, I have to read on the forum that you’re sending us back to ask privately about something for which you provide no solution or support. It’s crazy.



10 commentaires

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    I would like to remind you that the forum is intended for discussion and mutual support among Netatmo users. The moderation team is not obligated to respond to every message. If you haven't already, you can review the forum rules here: Welcome to the Netatmo forum!

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    Have a nice day! 

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    I can confirm, a user was analyzing the problem through instrumental measurements, topic has been deleted.
    just changed batteries for the 5th time in a month.
    I have ordered a new thermostat, from another vendor.

  • Comment author

    My "smart" thermostat burns all the batteries. I need to replace them every 5/7 days. This happened 20 days after the warranty ended. It seems a planned obsolescence. Is there a way to repair it? Thank you.

  • Comment author

    I have got a similar problem just my screen has the last numbers "stuck" they wont go away, even replacing 3 new pairs of batteries. It was working fine and suddenly this

  • Comment author

    I had the same issue on 3rd December, the date of software update. My is form 2019  I am waiting answer from technical support. In the net I had not found any solution to the battery consume in few days and as well as no rotation of the screen.  This it seems a strutcurale problem in common with a lot of people, I hope they treat like a recall campaign.

  • Comment author

    Yes that was me, they deleted those threads. I was told to stop posting inflammatory comments. Best solution is to email customer support. Mine are still under warranty but I bought 2 new ones in the Black Friday sales for 99 euro

  • Comment author

    I haven’t found a simple DIY fix to the battery drain issue apart from using a USB 5V adaptor. Not sure it’s a firmware issue as I have three which are fine, both green and blue boards. Losing all the history is the most frustrating part when you change one but I think I did screen grabs occasionally.

  • Comment author

    Yes, really frustrating lose all the hystory, it happens to me when the first thermostat has this bug. Now the second one has the same bug...We should understand how to isolate the issue:

    - Monitor LCD could start to drain to much?. If I do not repair it I'd like to try disconnect the monitor change the battery and see if in a week they are discharged.

    I 'd like to measure how much is the ampere that current the thermostat absord, someone does it knwo how to do with a multimeter i should put in + and - to see 

  • Comment author

    on amazon we could try Adattatore-Volt-Batterie-AAA it seems 220v generate 3 AAA of 1,5V

  • Comment author

    I measured the normal battery drainage at 0.01mA. Very low. It takes 10-15 seconds to initialise and stabilise. Then every 10 seconds or so it jumps up to approx 1mA for a fraction of a second - I presume to communicate with the relay. This is why batteries - say 1000mAh - last for a year or two normally.

    My 2 faulty ones however measure 2mA and 20mA - both have locked screens. The batteries last 30 days and 3 days respectively. I did not think to disconnect the screen to check the current - that's very easy to do - a small black lever on the circuit board locks the ribbon. Good idea. To test them I used the 240V plug adaptor for the relay - it was not necessary to set it up in the app - the thermostat and relay talk to each other anyway as normal.


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