- Your FTP server needs to be configured in the “passive” mode.
- Currently, SFTP and FTPS are not supported by our Cameras.
To configure it, go to the Home + Security app > Settings > Cloud Storage > FTP Settings. You will need to provide the needed information to save videos on your FTP server: Hostname, Port, Username, Password and the directory where you want to save the videos.
- Hostname: Name or IP address of your FTP server.
- Port: Most FTP servers use port 21, to be changed only if you have manually changed your router’s configuration.
- Username and password: Use details you usually use to connect to your FTP router/FTP router’s interface.
- Save to : When choosing the directory, note that many FTP servers will not allow you to write in the root, so you will need to use a directory such as “/home/” or “/apps/netatmo”, as the camera will need to have the right to write in it. Netatmo camera will automatically create folders “Year”, “Month” and “Day” to archive videos.