A scheduled invitation gives your guest the right to use the Smart Door Lock for a period chosen by you*.
It is created in the Home + Security app by a household member who has permission to control the Smart Door Lock via the menu accessed in the following way:
- Settings,
- User management,
- Guests,
- Choose the Smart Door Lock to which you wish to grant access,
- Tap on "+" to create a new invitation.
Guests who have this invitation can use it from Home + Guest, an app for Guests, which does not require an account.
Once the validity period has elapsed, the invitation expires and anyone in possession of it will be unable to interact with your Smart Door Lock.
Read article What is an instant invitation?
A scheduled invitation lets you attach “Notes” to your invitation.
A scheduled invitation may be revoked at any time by a member of the household in the Home + Security app.
Like an access code, a scheduled invitation can be re-shared by your guest to other people throughout its validity period. It is therefore important that you only share scheduled invitations with people you trust.
* within a limited period of 3 months; it can be set by the day, not by the hour and it cannot be recurring.