Start by disconnecting the Relay, either from the boiler adapter (by pulling hard) or from its electrical outlet.
Wait 10 seconds, then reverse the operation to reconnect the Relay. The LED should then flash 5 times quickly to indicate that the Relay has started well and is ready for use. Check that the Relay is not making a high-pitched noise when energized. If the LED does not flash, disconnect the Relay and proceed to the following steps:
If the Relay was connected to the boiler adapter
- Switch off the power, and check the connection of the power wires (brown and blue) of the boiler adapter. They must be securely connected to the main power supply ports of the boiler, or to any other permanent power source. The wires can be stripped to improve electrical contact with the power ports.
- Check that the Relay is fully seated on its boiler adapter by pressing it firmly.
- Turn on the power again: the Relay LED should flash.
If the Relay was connected to the mains adapter
- Remove the mains adapter and check the integrity of the contact pins and the adapter.
- Plug the adapter back on the Relay, pushing it in until you hear a "click".
- Connect the Relay to another electrical outlet: the LED should flash.
If it still does not react, it is possible to check whether the Relay starts up with a USB power supply. It will not work optimally, but it may help to reestablish the connection temporarily. Connect the Relay to a charger or computer USB port using a standard micro-USB cable. The LED should flash. Otherwise, try:
- with another USB cable,
- on another USB port of the computer,
- on another computer or another charger.
If it still doesn't work, send us a message.