WebApp: a new redesigned interface, find out what is changing and why

Giada Community manager


The WebApp has undergone a major upgrade for users of Netatmo Weather and Energy products. This new version, available on home.netatmo.com, has been deployed since 27 March 2024. It has now a completely new interface, designed to provide access to a single dashboard for monitoring and analysing all the data relating to the Weather, Comfort and Security of your Smart Home.

Why this update?

The historic WebApp (my.netatmo.com) needed to be reworked to enable us to continue our ongoing improvements in terms of security and design.  After more than 12 years of loyal service, it needed a thorough overhaul. The new interface uses the most modern tools and integrates our new product architecture based around the two axes of Control and Security. It is now resolutely forward-looking.

What's new?

  • Legrand products are now integrated, in addition to Netatmo products.
  • Graph comparison:
    • Up to 4 pieces of data can be compared at the same time, from a single product or from different products.
    • You can compare 2 periods by simply clicking on the "+" button.
  • Products are now grouped by room.
  • The My Devices card centralises the wireless reception and battery levels of all your devices.
  • The Settings menu has been improved. Manage your account and the users who have access to your Home, download your data and change the order of the rooms, enable the dark mode or change the units of your products...

Users of Weather products:

  • Improved data visualization with a new central graph for quick interpretation of your weather data, with a calendar that finally allows you to quickly consult a specific period.
  • More detailed weather forecasts, with figures in 3-hour intervals.

Users of Energy products:

  • The specific modes (Absent, Frost Guard mode) and the choice of the current schedule are now grouped together for quick access.
  • Manual setpoints can be applied room by room.
  • The monthly reports have been updated to display more relevant data and help you save even more energy.

What has changed?

Some functions are no longer available in the WebApp, but they are still available in the Weather, Energy and Home + Control mobile apps for iOS and Android:

  • Creating, editing or deleting a heating schedule. 
  • Manage my home (changing the names of the rooms and products, reconfiguring the network, calibrating products, checking the serial numbers, etc.).

Lastly, the monthly energy reports can temporarily no longer be viewed on mobile phones, but only on the WebApp from a computer.


Since the launch on 27 March, many of you have expressed your dissatisfaction with the lack of certain functions or with certain ergonomic choices. We have listened to all your feedback and will continue to improve our WebAapp by taking your comments into account. 

We are fully committed to your satisfaction and to help you make the most of this transition. Some improvements have already been added since the launch of the Beta version (changing the order of rooms, checking battery and wireless network levels, etc.), and more are expected very soon.

We hope you will soon find your feet in this new, redesigned version, and we are always keen to hear your comments and suggestions.



38 commentaires

  • Comment author

    We are searching for a replacement for our current weather station and looking for more details about the Netatmo offerings.

    Where can I find information about radio signal transmission ranges, how robust are the outdoor units built, (we live in an area of extreme conditions; temp, wind, hail, snow, etc.) and just what exactly is the function of the Smart Home Weather Station Shield?

    Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction?

  • Comment author

    hippie1, from a user's perspective, the indoor module must be in range of your wifi. My indoor module is in a room that normally has its door closed, and my netgear nighthawk router is 15m away, the other side of the next room and behind a security mesh screen on my sheltered verandah.

    I have a starlink internet connection and this was the best position to give coverage of wifi extenders and other devices throughout my house. In the last 2 years I have briefly lost internet connectivity to the satellite for 15 to 30 minutes, less than a handful of times, ironically due to heavy rain-clouds obscuring the satellite link.

    But the rain gauge and indoor module seem to cache the live data, which appears once the network is back online.

    However, the connections from the anemometer, rain gauge and outdoor module, to the indoor module, are much more limited. They connect via bluetooth. They are all within a line of site to the indoor module, via sealed windows. I have an iron roof. The gauges are mounted on the TV antenna (requiring the netatmo mounts) approx 10m away, the outdoor module is on the front porch 8m away, under cover and out of direct sunlight.

    I would recommend you purchase the weather shield for your outdoor module.

    For me, being in Australia, there are no netatmo distributors. Items are only available via online 3rd parties. The system isn't cheap and can be a little confusing setting up. I had many a fresh start, finding the direct cable connection the indoor module from my laptop giving an easier setup. I would like to purchase three additional indoor modules (the maximum that can be added) but have not yet done so because I'm still not convinced I will be able to successfully have connectivity to them; I believe they each connect directly only to the first indoor module.

    NETAMO PEOPLE: thanks for the updated web interface. Can you please increase the number of available graphs in the comparison tab? 4 is not enough. Also, the rain gauge should display a running total for the current period (as in the App). I also look forward to you bringing back the calibration ability to the web interface. Is there a reason the anemometer and rain gauge are not displayed on the dashboard tab? And regarding my reply to hippie1 above, can additional indoor modules be daisy-chained like a mesh-type network?

  • Comment author

    I hate your new display, bring back the former presentation

  • Comment author

    You should be ashamed of this post, 
    I could destroy every point of the painful statement made, 
    it is simply disarmed, but I don't want to fight against incompetence.

    You made an update just for company interests, completely ignoring the needs of users... 
    I would have liked to make a list but it's too long to indicate everything you've made worse and everything that doesn't work in the new web app.
    Now all I have to do is warn all the people to whom I have recommended your product to look for an alternative solution.

  • Comment author

    Your new app is rubbish. Before I could access it on my pc and it all worked well.  Now I have to use my phone, the thermostat now says its hotter than it is, so the heating does not come on. It is useless, it does not workl!.. Please give me the old system back.  
     A very dis-satisfied customer

  • Comment author

    Please bring back the old design. I really don't like the new one. It is very confusing and uses the entire browser width, which is absolutely terrible on a 30" display.

  • Comment author

    I hate the new Web app too.  The old one was perfect in every way.  All the info you needed with a single click in one display. Now you have to go searching for info. I don't want to spend hours on my device looking for data.

    I never used the mobile App because the webapp gave much more information in a brilliantly displayed simple format.

    I also liked being able to compare graphs by month and year on the odd occasion when I had more time.  This is all lost.  We have a saying in our family.  "If it's not broke don't fix it".

    I have also lost all my historic data since the change over.  Approx.  8 years worth!

    Surely the old format could be restored as an option?


  • Comment author

    So now we can plot "up to 4 variables".  In the old version I could plot as many as I wanted: my standard was 4 temperatures, wind, rain & sound. So 7. 

    As noted elsewhere the total rainfall for a period has gone

    And the wind direction has also gone from the plot - I enjoyed seeing the windspeed, wind direction and temperature change as a front came thru

    I'm still nt seeing anything to restore my faith

  • Comment author

    All the negative comments made after my original inquiry certainly have given us pause. Maybe we need to look somewhere else.

    One feature that attracted us to Netatmo was the anemometer. Our current system lacks this and the spinning cup design is antiquated and the durability of the mechanics, living in a high wind area, are worrisome.

    The latest post from rrkhouse may be the nail in the coffin. No wind direction! That is important and one of the things we were looking forward to.

    Contrary to other "Communities" I've been involved in, this one has actually been quite informative and helpful.

    Thank You to all involved.


  • Comment author

    @Netatmo: Can you please bring the old interface back till you have improved the new one? I really hate using it now.

  • Comment author

    Completely useless update! I am not a fan of the new dashboard, but even more upsetting is that my two weather devices stopped recording altogether and when I tried to re-install them it doesn't recognize them. I get a totally unhelpful message that I have no devices! Despite having downloaded the installer and going through all the steps necessary to install my weather device.

    This will be written up one day a case study for customer service disasters.


  • Comment author

    Hi all, I'm certainly not missing old data. Here is 2023 graph comparison with the max 4 plots, the pop-up displaying the last week. Below that, wind, pressure and CO2 displayed for Nov 2023.

    I have selected "Improvements Programs" under Settings. Perhaps this may solve some issues for others?

    I find the new interface better, with room for improvement. It is merely a change for me. I'm certain Netatmo people will continue improvements, esp. the ones highlighted by current customers.

  • Comment author

    Lucky you.  My data disappeared just before the switchover when I removed a guest with an obsolete email address. 

  • Comment author
    Steve Morton

    It is no longer possible to adjust our heating schedule or the temps for each time segment using a large browser display you have to use a mobile device. This is a very retrograde step.
    I will no longer be recommending Netatmo products to my customers. We had a long relationship but you have taken away features that were a great selling point. What we have now is not what we bought. Imagine buying a car and then someone comes along and removes features you had paid for and used.

  • Comment author
    Lars Nilsson

    The new webpage is useless, impossible to scroll down and read the forecast and other stuff in the bottom of the window.
    There is no scrollbars !

  • Comment author
    Messy and confusing software.
    The total monthly summation for precipitation has been removed. It would be really nice if you opened the possibility to be able to choose the early really good software version.
    Jan Severin
  • Comment author
    Giada Community manager


    Thank you for your messages.

    To @Lars Nilsson :

    The dashboard is divided into two parts. There are no visible scrollbars, but it is possible to scroll down by positioning the cursor in the center of the page to see the graphs and the weather forecasts and on the right, to see the right column.

    To @jan.severin.dk :

    To view total rainfall by week, month, year, you can go to https://home.netatmo.com/ and select the rain gauge in the right-hand column.
    You will see the "Accumulated over the period" total at the top right of the graph.

    To view total rainfall for each day on the application, please zoom out on the graph. As you move to the left or right, you'll see the daily total in the top left-hand corner.

    Have a great day,


  • Comment author

    My wind anemometer won't connect to the base station.


    Many other users are experiencing similar issues. See:






    And then, several other users are now finding that in still wind conditions, the anemometer is reading about 10 km/hr


  • Comment author

    Besides the new layout , that i don't like , the new webpage does not work anymore on my iPad. I log in and then the home,netatmo,com screen pops up as a totaly blanc screen and displays nothing, I was used to look my results every day on my iPad so i miss this very much.

  • Comment author

    After spending so many euros we are now at the mercy of incompetent people.
    After days of using the new webapp my opinion remains the same, terrible, I no longer understand what all the sensors transmit, I no longer have any control, they have become rubbish

  • Comment author

    for me, the problem is even more fundamental: when I try to open home.netatmo.com, I end up in an endless loop between some home.netatmo.com URL and  


    Can't access my Dashboard anymore - at all.

    I tend to agree with some that I now begin to feel that my Netatmo purchases are stranded assets.


  • Comment author


    1. Forced to use rooms - I DON'T LIKE IT! 

    I have 4 Netatmo devices (Wheater Station). In the past I could have them directly under "Home", and didn't have to put them into rooms. Worked well and was convenient. 

    Now,  during the first login to the WebApp, I was forced to use rooms (automatically proposed by Netatmo), the only thing I could do is to rename rooms, devices and drag/drop them inbetween rooms, but it was not possible to skip this step. So to go further to use the webapp I had to Confirm the 4 additional rooms which Netatmo automatically created. 

    PLEASE stop forcing users to use Rooms!

    2. Deleting Rooms - possible but not All - I DON'T LIKE IT!

    I've managed to delete all the rooms BUT ONE, I did it from the iOS App.

    Before a room could be deleted, the room had to be empty - all the devices had to be moved out of the given room. So I moved all devices from all the rooms into one room.  (note: it is not possible now to have a device directly under Home and not allocated to a room). The last rooms couldn't be deleted.

    PLEASE provide the possibility to have devices directly under HOME without the use of rooms! 


    General comment / request:

    PLEASE provide "a switch" for the user to choose if he wants to use the OLD WebApp UI or the NEW one. In parallel work on improving the New WebApp, ensuring the functionally which worked well in the OLD one is incorporated into the NEW one. 

    - while working on the NEW webapp, PLEASE keep in mind what the real GOAL is
    (1. Frustrated, disappointed, ... long time users / experts who know very well the practical everyday needs,


    2. Satisfied and encouraged users who appreciate a real and practical improvement - not a fake one)


    The choice is Yours (Netatmo), so will be the consequence ... 

    Kind regards!


  • Comment author

    It's not working at all today.  Page just won't load.  It appears to be trying but nothing happens. 

  • Comment author

    I'm guessing you've had to change server or supplier and don't have access to the old version? 

  • Comment author
    • Modifié

    Managed to stop it looping round and getting nowhere by changing my password again.

    Don't know why I bothered. 

    I can't read the scale on the graphs. The letters are too small and the font is too pale.

    Why can't we have some colour like we had before?

    The whole thing is a complete disaster.

    Are you trying to drive customers away?

    I shall never recommend you to anyone again

  • Comment author

    Color me surprised that suddenly recordings from my welcome cameras were available in "the cloud". I can't remember agreeing to that, but either way, now I have a couple of nice indoors webcams for sale, I guess.

  • Comment author

    The new design is your big mistake!
    Bring back the old design and just freshen up the graphics if you want. But the old design was functional and it worked!

    Bring back the old version. Don't kill the product!

  • Comment author

    Stupid icons on the left hand side mean nothing to me. Still can't see the battery levels of the outdoor modules. Blue and white screen totally uninspiring. Much preferred the old one. Why can't we go back to my.netatmo.com? Surely you haven't dumped it all! When I was in IT we ran new systems in parallel to the old one until users were happy with it. You don't care about your users. Bad mistake!

  • Comment author

    Still hate it. Bring back the old one!

  • Comment author

    Oh great, the newest update killed the WebApp Temperatur & Humidity as well as the Android App! Great Job!


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