The wind speed and its direction are measured with the help of 4 ultrasonic transducers. The Smart Anemometer measures the time between the moment when we send a signal and when we receive it in two perpendicular directions.
The speeds on the N-S and W-E axes are then combined with the help of trigonometric functions to obtain the real speed and direction.
Measurements displayed
- Average speed and direction in the last 5 minutes. The arrow indicates the direction of the wind and its size is proportional to the speed.
Light gray lines around the icon indicate the dominant directions of the wind during the last hour.
An arrow pointing downward indicates a Northerly wind (N=0°). An arrow pointing left indicates an Easterly wind (E=90°). - Gust speed and direction in the last 5 minutes.
- Maximum gust (speed and direction) in the day (since midnight).
No wind pictogram: this pictogram corresponds to an absence of wind.
Circular arrow pictogram: this pictogram means that the wind is changing direction, so that there is no definitive direction.
The graphs allow you to browse through the historic data of wind averages (speed and direction) and gusts (speed and direction).