To learn more about the features of the Netatmo Smart Thermostat and the Smart Radiator Valves, please read the Netatmo Energy Products Interactive User Manual:
- The Smart Thermostat
- Presentation
- The Thermostat
- The Relay
- Logos
- How it works
- Communication between the modules
- Heating Algorithms
- Hysteresis algorithm
- Advanced algorithm (PID)
- Energy source selection
- Monthly enrgy savings reports
- Positioning tips
- Presentation
- The Smart Radiator Valves
- Presentation
- Logos
- Functioning
- Room by room synchronization
- Installation types
- Priority settings
- Open window detection
- Batteries
- Features common to all Energy products
- Your Netatmo account
- The Energy applications
- Mobile (iOS and Android)
- Web
- Heating graphs
- Weekly schedules
- Manual Boost (manual setpoints)
- Special modes (Away, Frost-Guard...)
- Auto-Adapt (heating prediction)
- Temperature offset (True Temperature)
- Auto-Care
- Download historical data
- Offline behaviour
- How to set the products during summer
- Link the products with Apple HomeKit
- Interactivity
- Product updates
- Share product access
- I'm moving, what to do with my products
- Online help